
Odoo Data Model

A module to help you see all your tables and their relations
Entity Relationship in your Odoo

Validity : Lifetime

Users : Unlimited

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Odoo Data Model Demo

odoo tableau youtube video


  • Nested Odoo Model Relations -

    • For a better representation of complex Odoo data, nested model relations are used- it is a one-to-one correspondence between data.
  • Detailed List View -

    • If you search and click on any field, you get details in a list form, for instance, their 'type', 'string', 'relation' and others will be visible on the screen.
  • Search option -

    • You can search for a model name and get details about other models and fields related to it in a relation diagram.
    • Also, you can search for a field and get details of all models related to that field.
  • Custom SQL query feature -

    • This extraordinary feature lets you filter, sort, or group model or table entries, you just need to execute the custom SQL query against the database to retrieve data as per your requirement.

Check user guide for Odoo Data Model

User Guide

Odoo Tables Relationship

Table-to-Table Relations

Odoo data model shows relations of a model with other models (Odoo Data Tables), click on the model node and voila! Nodes provide you with the nested relation of clicked models.

Features Preview


Detailed-list view


Search functionalities


Single click copy


Nested model relations


Model Entries


Custom SQL query


Table to Table Relation

Click on a model name to get its relations with other models.
Click on a node to get its further relations.

Odoo data model

Search for a Table

Search for a model and get all its fields.
Get details about each field.

all fields of a model

Search for a Field

Search for a field and get all the models related to it.
Click on a model name to copy it to the clipboard.

models related to field

Table Entries

You can view any table entries from Odoo

models related to field

Custom SQL Query Execution

Write custom sql query to retrieve required data, which provides you with 2 more Additional Features

models related to field

Save SQL Query

Avoid writing same lines of SQL Queries all over again. Save your go to queries with Odoo Data Model new feature of Saving SQL Queries

Save SQL Query

Export Excel Sheet of Table

Now you can Export Excel Sheet of any table with or without executing Custom SQL

Save SQL Query

Controls and Minimap to Keep Track of Data

Use controls and minimap to keep track of data representation, it helps in clear and uncomplicated visualisation of data.
The control panel and minimap are located at the right section of the screen.
The control panel helps in zooming in and zooming out, in moving to centres or lock controls on the relation chart. And, minimap helps in viewing models in a small version and locating the model in relation diagram quickly.

Why Odoo Data Model with Odoo CRM?

  • Detailed List View

    If you search and click on any field, you get details in a list form, for instance, their 'type', 'string', 'relation' and others will be visible on the screen.

  • Single Click Copy

    You can click on any model or table name and it will be copied to the clipboard, then you can paste it on the search bar. This makes the usage easier and faster!

  • Search option

    You can search for a model name and get details about other models and fields related to it in a relation diagram. Also, you can search for a field and get details of all models related to that field. You can easily search model or field name by typing in the search bar on top

  • Nested Model Relations

    For a better representation of complex Odoo data, nested model relations are used- it is a one-to-one correspondence between data.

  • Model View

    We at Techneith not only allow us to view the model relations but also the table data for better analysis.

  • Custom SQL query feature

    This extraordinary feature lets you filter, sort, or group model or table entries, you just need to execute the custom SQL query against the database to retrieve data as per your requirement.

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